Tuesday, December 11, 2018

11 Dec Should Airline Seats Recline?

Should Airline Seats Recline?

Most airlines today assume everybody is under five foot eight.  That can be the only explanation for how little legroom there is.  I always find it funny that the people who makes the decisions never have to live by them. There is probably a 1% chance that any executive at an airline company flies economy.  The only exception may be Southwest because they don’t have 1stor business class.

I don’t think airline seats should recline. I don’t recline mine because I know how uncomfortable it is for the person behind me. I just wish other passengers would show the same consideration.  I fly a lot and I know that seat recline is not needed.   I am not the best passenger if you recline the seat in front of me.  I know you have a “right” to do it, but does that mean you should?  Just have some courtesy and keep you seat up.  

Seat width is also a challenge for some. I sat next to a woman who was very overweight.  She was in the middle seat.  There was no way she could remain in her “designated” space.  Her arms were inside “my” space and she could not close her legs enough so they remained in her seat’s width.  Should I have demanded that she stay in her space when there was not a physical possibility for her to do so?  I didn’t, I had the window and just leaned that way.  Should she have to purchase 2 seats?  It would be hard to say what the exact metric was to determine that.

 I wish every airline senior VP and above had to fly only economy.  No private jets or 1stclass.  You would see changes in the seating very quickly.  

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