Sunday, December 16, 2018

16 Dec 2018 Do You Know The Side Effects Of Drugs?

Do You Know The Side Effects Of Drugs?

I think most people get annoyed with the never-ending barrage of drug commercials. Embedded in those commercials is the long list of side effects that goes on and on.  

My mother is like a lot of senior citizens who cake a lot of different drugs. She takes so many that there is no way there can be any clinical evidence that the drugs do not counteract each other. I think if she just stopped all of them and see what happened over the next 45 days I’d bet her quality of life does not change. But the drug industry would not like that because they want people to take as many drugs as possible. Why else would we be bombarded day in and day out with commercials for drugs.

I was taking a drug for inflammation and it had the potential side effect with the Achilles tendon. I found out that was a very true side effect. Fortunately, it was just soreness and not a tear or something worse.

We are the most overmedicated society in the world. Everybody wants a pill take care of everything. There are medications that have a valuable purpose. But if people just took better care of their bodies the vast majority of over the counter medications would not be necessary. 

Everything you take has a potential side effect. Be aware of those and ask yourself do I really need this drug?

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