Monday, December 17, 2018

17 Dec 2018 Why Did He Threaten A Shutdown?

Why Did He Threaten A Shutdown?

Last week Pres. Trump sat down with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. He has bragged over and over again on how great of a negotiator he is. It became evident during that meeting that Trump is only a great negotiator when the other party has no option but to accept his terms. If the other party is of equal or has a more powerful position, he is totally outside his capability. Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer schooled him on how to debate and negotiate. Trump learned the difference between business negotiations and political negotiations.

Mrs. Pelosi tried to protect the president and have their conversation taken off-line. But Trump’s ego was in it. He was so sure he could dominate those two in a public setting that was televised live. How wrong he was.

It all came down to the border wall he has been talking about for three years. I wish the two Democrats would’ve looked him in the eye and said “why do we need to use tax payer funds for the wall when you claimed over and over again that Mexico was going to pay for it?”  This would’ve put Trump in an uncomfortable position trying to explain why he needs $5 billion of tax revenue to pay for a wall that another country was supposed to pay for.  It is another case of him having no capability back up what he says he’s going to do.

What was even more in embarrassing was when he claimed he will accept responsibility for shutting down the government if he does not get funding for his wall.  Never before has a President taken such a stance. He is going to find out that the Republicans in Congress will not support him on this. 

If he were smart, but he isn’t, he would be doing all he can to ensure his last two years in office have a positive value. I don’t see that happening. He will be like Nero of Rome and burned down anything because his ego is bruised. He will never be able to blame anybody but himself.

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