Monday, December 31, 2018

31 Dec 2918 How Did The Year Go?

How Did The Year Go?

I started this blog with the one goal of posting something every day.  Well here we are at the end of the year and I did accomplish what I set out to do.  I did not meet all the goals I set for personal development.  I have made big strides in some areas of my life. Over the course of the year I have ranted a lot about President Trump.  I think I bashed him more than any one group or individual.  I think I only repeated myself a few times.  I may have covered the same topic from different angles but not outright the same.  I did do two postings on opioids that were very similar.

At the start of the year I was going to use this tracking system to make sure I did not have duplicate postings.  That fell by the wayside pretty quick.  For the most part I had no problem coming up with things to write about. There were a couple of times it was down to late the night before or even early in the morning a posting was due. 

I can’t say there was a posting I wished I had not done.  I may not have been as persuasive in some of my arguments in some postings.  Also, I may not have been as empathetic or compassionate as I could have been. This is especially true for the topics that are labeled as a disease when I say it is a choice.  That is ok. We need healthy, honest and open dialogue.  

What have I learned?  I gained great respect for people who have done this for a long time.  Getting content out every day is a grind at times.  I have to admit there were a couple of times I was ready to just stop.  But the weeks and months did pass.  

Will I continue?  I am not sure.  I am thinking about a longer form that is posted weekly. I am also considering going back to podcasts.   Or maybe I will do a combination of two.  I guess I better decide soon as the New Year is upon us.

Thanks for following me on this journey over the past year.  Let’s see where 2019 takes us.

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