Saturday, December 8, 2018

8 Dec 2018 Who Will Be The Next Vice President?

Who Will Be The Next Vice President?

There will be big political battles for the nomination from both parties for the 2020 Presidential elections.  Does the running mate of the nominee really matter?  I think John McCain found that out when he picked Sarah Palin. That will go down as one of the worst political moves of all time.  She was in no way prepared to lead at a national level.  I believe it kept him from being elected.  

For the Republicans, VP Pence will stay with Trump if he runs again and gets the nomination.  As I wrote before, that is not a sure thing.  If Trump does not run, then Pence will make his claim for the top spot, though he won’t get it. The strench of Trump is too much on him.  If Nikki Haley runs and wins the nomination, I would expect her to pick a strong partner.  I would like to see Condoleezza Rice as one of her options.  She does not need some old white guy to “balance” things out.  

For the Democrats, it is wide open.  If a progressive wins, do they pick a moderate to run with them. Does a moderate pick a progressive?   Can two progressives win the national race?  Would an Elizabeth Warren-Bernie Sanders ticket be strong or even Sanders-Warren?  Would Bernie accept the VP position?  I think he would because he would have more influence on policy.  

I am highly confident that we will see a woman as either President or VP after the 2020 election. My guess Nikki Halley-Condoleezza Rice as the ticket for the Republicans and Mark Warner-Kamala Harris for the Democrats.

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