Thursday, December 13, 2018

13 Dec What Is Wake-Up Warrior?

What Is Wake-Up Warrior?

Wake-Up Warrior is an organization created by Garret J. White. He is very firm on who is part of Warrior, that is married men with children who are entrepreneurs.  If you are single, you need to be pursuing marriage.  If married with no kids, you need to say you are going to have them.  Garret is unapologetic about his criteria. You may like or dislike it, but he doesn’t care.  It is his club, nobody is forcing you to join. 

 As with any “self-help” program it has devoted followers and strong critics.   I just returned from WarriorCon3.  It was 3 intense days with 1000 men.  The fundamental tenant of Warrior is “Stop fucking lying, start telling the truth.” That sums it up.  This means being completely open and honest.  Lies by omission are just as bad.  Be honest in all facets of your life, in your relationships, at work, everywhere.  Everybody is a liar in one way or another, they just won’t admit it.  Once you accept that and start telling the truth, you will be amazed at how life is so much better.  

Warrior aims to improve someone in the physical, spiritual, and relationship areas (both your partner and children).  It is also designed to help the entrepreneur grow his business.  It does not push any religion.  You define what spirituality is to you.  Warrior calls these Body, Being, Balance and Business. Most people are strong in one or two. It takes a lot of work to be strong in all four.

As with all programs there are various levels of financial investment.  Some of the levels are very expensive.  Garrett puts out a tremendous amount of free material via podcasts and his website.  Just listening to the free stuff will have a profound impact on your life.  It can be a big investment in yourself.  But, can you put a price tag on getting your life strong in all four of these areas? 

I believe in the program.  I recommend you check it out.      

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