Thursday, December 27, 2018

27 Dec 2018 How Do You Find The Truth?

How Do You Find The Truth?

There are so many news outlets it is tough to decide which one(s) are trustworthy. I sometimes turn on MSNBC and Fox News and flip between each one to see how they are presenting a particular story. It is funny, or kinda sad, that the same story can be told in two very different ways.  Both sites claim to have journalistic integrity. If that were true, wouldn’t the stories sound the same or at least close?  MSNBC is considered a Democratic/liberal leaning station and Fox News is the Republican/conservative place.  Each has an audience it wants to sell advertising.  As with any business, it targets its message to who is viewing. 

I have no problem with each station making money.  However, don’t claim you have journalistic credentials and then report in a way your viewer base agrees with.  State that what you say is the subjective views of the station/reporters as told by the presenters.  That would be the honest way.  Do not sell anything as objective.   

So where would we get “objective” reporting.  Some would claim that National Public Radio is the objective platform.  I would argue that most of the Republican/conservative crowd would laugh at that say it a very liberal organization. 

Where does that leave us?  People have to listen to or read multiple sources in order to be informed.  They can’t accept at face value that their “trusted” network/paper will give them objective reporting.  It is critical that we are knowledgeable as society in issues that affect us all.  How we get that knowledge is just as important as what the knowledge is.        

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