Sunday, December 23, 2018

23 Dec 2018 Should I Respect Ignorant People?

Should I Respect Ignorant People?

Free speech is hard at times to support.  You have the “liberal” whinners in college who won’t tolerate any speech that is different than theirs and you also have the “conservative” Congressmen like Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows who prove every day just how ignorant they can be. 

I would love to have the opportunity to talk each of these groups.  I like getting into to discussions with people who can’t defend their positions.  I am amazed they take it as a badge of honor to look stupid.  They passionately believe they are right.  What they fail to see is everybody is not right all the time or wrong all the time. Like the line in the movie City of Angles, “just because you believe it does not make it true.”

I am sure there are many people who would vehemently disagree with what I believe. That is ok, that is what free speech is all about.  I would not block someone from having opinions just as I would expect the same courtesy. 

What we need to be very careful about is people who are able to force policy positions or laws that don’t represent the values this country has defended for over 200 years, with free speech at the center of it.

There are extremes at both end of the political spectrum who want to prevent free and open dialogue, disagreement and discourse.  We must be ruthless in letting either side dominate “their way.” I could never respect either of those extremes.

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