Wednesday, December 19, 2018

19 Dec 2018 How Do You Christmas Shop?

How Do You Christmas Shop?

I can’t remember when the shopping day known as Black Friday came about. I don’t know if it was a marketing thing that was put out in the last 20 years? I certainly do not understand the need to go out at midnight or five in the morning to make a purchase for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving.

I really can’t believe people would stampede into a store to buy something. It really shows how far we have come in making wants into absolute needs. It is sad Christmas has become a way for businesses to make money vice what the whole purpose of the day is supposed to mean.

With the advent of online shopping, you would think there would be no need to go out some crazy hour. Who knows, maybe some people just think of that as a Christmas tradition and actually enjoy it?

My routine was to wait until the 23rdor 24thof December and do shopping. Most of the time I did not have a specific item in mind. I have to admit I do like the convenience of online shopping. However, I will go out on one of those days to see if something catches my eye.  

I can’t think of a scenario where I would go out and wait in line for anything. I enjoy walking around mall, but not with thousands of people. We will see what this year’s shopping trip we’ll catch my eye.

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