Thursday, November 8, 2018

8 Nov 2018 What About The Election Results?

What About The Election Results?

Well the elections went overall as predicted. The Dems took back the House, Republicans maintain the Senate. I see this as a positive. We now have a Branch of the federal government that will push back against Pres. Trump. The challenge for the Democrats is they have two years to show they are responsible in leading the House of Representatives. That is, they work with the Senate to get legislation passed, especially the budget. If there is a battle on the budget that leads to any shutdown or continuing resolution, the Republicans we’ll be able point and say the Dems really did not want to work with us. Now this is the ultimate hypocrisy because the Republicans never work with the Democrats. However, for election slogans they will be able to tout all the negatives. 

The Democrats also have to be careful in how they attack Pres. Trump. If it is seen that they only want to take him down because they don’t like him, that may backfire on them in the 2020 elections. Both parties have seen how quickly the mood of the public changes and that control of each House of Congress is never long-term.

The Republicans are happy to have the Senate so they can continue to confirm as many judicial appointees as they can. Also, they can block any “radical” proposals from the House.  Will they work together, I doubt it.  Will Pres. Trump unite them, I doubt it.  Will we have gridlock, probably. I am ok with gridlock as long as the budget is passed.

I did fail in my one prediction, that Ted Cruz would lose his Senate seat. He did not win by much but he did win.

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