Tuesday, November 20, 2018

20 Nov 2018 Are The Dems Too Happy?

Are The Dems Too Happy?

The Democratic Party is enjoying continued success from the mid-term elections. If they want to maintain their momentum, they need to understand that several races they won were very close. They look at the mid-terms as a blue wave, however, the Republicans felt the same after 2016 and look where it got them.

The Dems should take some time to enjoy their victory.  But, they can’t take long. They have an internal battle they have to face and that is who is going to represent the party for the Presidential election in 2020.  Right now, you can’t say any one individual is the leader.  Any “traditional” (e.g. old, white, male) is not going to cut it with the progressive side of the party.  This is ironic because Bernie Sanders is the guy the progressives revere and no one is older or whiter than him. 

The guy that would attract many centrist Republicans would be Michael Bloomberg.  He has the old white guy challenges, but he also has the rich old white guy label.  I doubt this would play well on the progressive side.  In pure electability measures, Michael Bloomberg would be a great candidate for the Dems.  I don’t see how the younger further left candidates can win enough moderate votes. If they go too far left, they may alienate “conservative” democrats.  I believe that Pres Trump will so alienate anyone in the middle that people would rather have a liberal Democrat than him. 

The Democrats can and should enjoy their victory but “winter is coming” as it pertains to picking a Presidential candidate.   

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