Saturday, November 24, 2018

24 Nov 2018 How Do You Sedate?

How Do You Sedate?

When you are pissed off about something how do you sedate to get over it? Is it alcohol, drugs, binge watching NetFlix, the internet, working out or maybe even food?  Each of us has a go to remedy to help us deal with anger. But are we really dealing with it?

Most time spent sedating is not addressing the situation, it is taking your mind off of it. You may get some temporary “relief” but that is all it is. The challenge is, sedating is as harmful to you as the anger. It just does not appear in your emotions like anger.  Sedation is trying to blanket the emotions and buffer them from you.  

The reality is you need to deal with the emotions and not cover them up. Internal stress is so harmful because it does its damage slowly over time. Dealing with the emotions does not mean taking your anger out on someone else.  That just causes more problems.  So how do you get the emotions out?  You go somewhere where you can just scream and not upset anyone.  Scream? Out loud? You are kidding me, aren’t you?  No, I am not.  We have been taught to keep our emotions in check, especially men.  I remember hearing “real men don’t cry.” Why not?

Real men do cry and scream and laugh and get their emotions out.  Fake men keep it all inside. This leads to emotional hurt to others, when you go silent and hurt to yourself by the stress.  

If you go off and sedate vice addressing your emotions how is that a good for you or anyone? Be a real person and not a sedated one.   

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