Wednesday, November 7, 2018

7 Nov 2018 How Does Either Party Stay Relevant?

How Does Either Party Stay Relevant?

Both political parties face some difficult challenges no matter the results of the election.  The Republicans have a bigger challenge in that they are not only viewed as the party of old white men, they are the party of old white men. Pres. Trump has done his best to alienate women and minority groups. The party has also made no effort to attract younger voters.  They would have to make a major change in candidates for the 2020 election if they ever hope to bring any one of those groups into the party. The demographics are not in their favor at all.  It is not just the President, Congress has a distinct lack of diversity within the Republican Party. They have relied on the non-college educated white male voter for far too long. I just don’t see the party platform attracting minority or women candidates in the near future, especially as long as Donald Trump is involved.

The Democrats also have challenges. Theirs is a large gap in age between the leadership and the energized youth.  They may have a repeat of the 2016 election where hardened battle lines are drawn between the progressive end of the party and the current leadership. The money and energy for the Democratic Party resides in the youth. They cannot be taken for granted. Also, minority groups, long assumed as rubber stamps for Democrats, has to be relooked.  The Democrats are on the verge in slowly taking power not only in Congress but in state legislatures. However, they have to stay a unified group for this to happen. That will be no easy task.

I would love to see a third political party that can attract enough candidates to actually make a difference in Congress.  This would go a long way to help break the gridlock.  If the Republicans and Democrats both had less than 50% strength in either House of Congress, they would be forced to negotiate with independent candidates and the other party to get any legislation passed. This would be very good for the country.

I am going to enjoy the build-up to the 2020 election. The internal party battles will be fun to watch.

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