Sunday, November 25, 2018

25 Nov 2018 How Old To Play Football?

How Old To Play Football?

When I was a kid, I could not wait to play football.  Not flag football but in pads full contact.  We did not have any little kids leagues outside of school back then.  You had to wait until 8thgrade.  Today we have a lot more knowledge of the challenges the game can bring, especially head trauma. 

All contact sports have some level of danger for head trauma; hockey, rugby, boxing. The question is, how old should a kid be before they can participate in these.  In Canada, hockey is started as soon as you learn to skate.  But at what point does it turn into the hard hitting sport that can start the concussion challenges?  Boxing has head hitting from the start.  

Should they not be in these at all until after high school?  A good case can made for that, especially boxing.  Sports are a valuable part of a someone’s developmental process.  It teaches team work and how you need to practice if you want to improve.  That there are winners and losers in life.

I would not have my child involved in these sports until high school.  I would want them to have greater physical strength and intelligence before they start with the head hits.  I would not have them continue if they suffered two concussions. Once out of high school they can decide if they want to continue with the sports. 
I know I would have been crushed if I was held back from any sport.  However, we have a lot more data today.  A concussion is not just having ones “bell rung” and it is ok to go back in.  Parents have to make calls their kids may not like.  I would make that call if I had to.

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