Thursday, November 15, 2018

15 Nov 2018 Are The Dems Setting Their Own Trap?

Are The Dems Setting Their Own Trap?

The Democratic Party is very energized right now as they should be. They have just come off an impressive midterm election victory. Since they took over the House of Representatives, you read a lot of articles on the subpoenas that they plan to levy against the Trump administration.

I know there are several areas that are very justified in investigating. Congress has to act as a check and balance on the President. However, they need to be careful that they don’t get overzealous in their pursuit of Trump. As badly as some in the Democratic Party want to impeach Pres. Trump, they better be sure they have very strong legal justification. As unpopular as Pres. Trump is to many Americans, they also want fair handling of an issue of that magnitude. If the Democrats push too hard on impeachment and the public does not feel the charges levied against him rise to the level of “crimes and misdemeanors” as defined in the Constitution, they could be setting up the potential of a backlash in the presidential election in 2020.

Just as the Republicans abused their power in Congress in the first two years of the Trump administration, the Democrats could see the same results handed to them if they don’t have wise leadership. The Democrats see blood in the water and want to attack and attacked they will. But there are surgical the attacks and there are carpet bombing attacks, the Dems better be surgical or they may pay a price they may regret. 

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