Wednesday, November 21, 2018

21 Nov 2018 Will Trump Change?

Will Trump Change?

Is there any chance that President Trump has learned anything from the mid-term elections?  I doubt it. As much as I want him to change, he is a 70+ year old man who only knows one way.  He craves adulation and he is in a job that could bring him so much. You would think with his instincts that he would understand the days of the white male ruling the country are on the downside.

Simple demographics will tell him that if he wants to leave a positive legacy, his current policies are not going to get him that.  Of course, if he only plans to be a one term President then he will not make any changes.  I would be surprised if he only stayed for one term.  He does not respect President Obama or George W Bush and for him to win once and they twice would be too much for his ego. 

He may try for a second term but the trend is not in his favor.  Politics makes big changes in a relatively short period. Two years is a long time.  Many things could happen that would improve the Republican chances in 2020.  It all starts with President Trump.  He can help the party or pretty much send it into obscurity.  I do not see the people who support him within the administration in a position to make him change.  He believes in himself deeply and thinks his instincts are correct.  It is too bad he is wrong.  

I am not sure what would make him change.  He will only get more combative and defensive if the Mueller report or the New York attorney general office bring charges against him.  

Whoever is a Republican better stand by for bad days ahead.  Your leader can’t lead for positive things but most certainly can take you down, way down.  Hope it was worth it.         

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