Sunday, November 4, 2018

4 Nov 2018 Is There Any National Politician With Integrity?

Is There Any National Politician With Integrity?

I am coming to the conclusion that to be a politician at the national level you have to sell you integrity.  All I heard about Paul Ryan was how good a person and family man he was.  Over the last 3 years since Donald Trump entered the Presidential race, I have seen Paul Ryan sell his soul.  I can’t believe he put the Republican Party and Donald Trump above his personal convictions.  Could I say the same to just about every politician?  Yes, but Paul Ryan was Speaker of the House.  He had power.  He could have pushed back real hard on the behavior of President Trump.  Trump could not fire him.  If Ryan stood strong and told the President and the people he was very wrong every time, more politicians may have stepped forward.

Power is intoxicating, but it does not last forever.  History is going to be very cruel and harsh to the Republicans who licked Trump’s shoes and kissed his ass. Instead of upholding the values of separation of powers between the Congress and the Presidency, they blindly followed him.  

Nobody and I mean nobody celebrates when something passes the House but has not yet passed the Senate.  But the Republicans did just that when they overturned ObamaCare.  There was this big to do on the White House lawn.  Did it become law, no.  Paul Ryan should have told the President they only celebrate when he signs it into law.  Ryan embarrassed himself and the party.  

Paul Ryan is the poster boy for sell outs.  He is retiring and will fade back to Wisconsin with no integrity or honor. I do not wish him well.    

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