Sunday, November 11, 2018

11 Nov 2018 Can You Have Too Much Loyalty?

Can You Have Too Much Loyalty?

President Trump demands loyalty above all else for anyone who works for him. Now that loyalty is not returned. The challenge is you want competent people serving the President not just yes men or ass kissers.  But that is what Trumps wants.  This is very similar to how to LBJ worked his whole political life. He wanted undying loyalty from his staff.   Some very talented people did not work for him because he was an asshole to work for.  He underpaid, you had to be available 24/7 no matter what. Any family issue was trivial to what his demands were. 

From what I have been able to read, Trump was not a bad guy to work for.  He was demanding but also cared about his people. That is until you showed disloyalty.  Michael Cohen is a perfect example of this.  Cohen was totally loyal to Trump, would do anything to clean up his messes.  Once Cohen got caught up in the Mueller investigation, he found how loyal Trump was to him.  Trump dismissed all Cohen did for him. Cohen got a taste of the real Trump.  

People will be loyal to a boss or organization if they feel that each really cares for them. It has to be two-way street. Demanding loyalty with nothing in return creates a work atmosphere I want nothing to do with.  You can’t demand something that you yourself are not willing to do.

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