Monday, November 26, 2018

26 Nov 2018 Why Do We Treat Pets Dying Better Than People?

Why Do We Treat Pets Dying Better Than People?

I can’t understand why we treat our pets better when they are dying then we do humans. When did it become necessary to use all means available keep someone alive months longer than just let the natural dying process take over?  Or worse, we do not let the person die with dignity but make them suffer longer till the physical body gives out when mentally they are ready to go.

Is it the Judeo-Christian principles that have been put in the place that guide this way of thinking?  They like to use the term assisted suicide because that seems harsher.  I understand the argument of how far you let people decide they want to end their life.  Do you have to have a terminal illness to “qualify?”  Or, can you just say I am ready to go at any time during tour adult life? 

The people that make the rules rarely are the ones who have had to deal with it. They don’t have the relative that is dying due to cancer and can’t end it because that would be wrong.  Doctors who are told to do no harm are causing untold harm in terms of pain a patient must endure because they are not allowed to end that pain with dignity.  

There is a special place in hell for people who make other people suffer a painful death because their religion says is not “Christian” like to take a life and that only God can choose when someone dies.  

I believe it is a right for an adult to choose when and how they want to die. It is not up to some government organization or any “ethical” panel to decide.  You alone should be able to make that decision.  

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