Saturday, November 10, 2018

10 Nov 2018 Do You Like Or Trust Your Representatives?

Do You Like Or Trust Your Representatives?

I think a lot of people vote for someone because they like them.  They also vote for someone because the dislike the other candidate more.  There are a lot of politicians I like as a person; however, I do not trust them as my representative.  There are politicians I trust but do not necessarily like.  

I favor trust a whole lot more.  Trust means they will do as they say.  Trust means they will make the tough decisions based on what is best not only for their state or district but also the country.  Trust means not always following the party line.  Trust means not trying to be liked but to lead others in doing what is right.  Trust means I may not always like what stand they take but will respect them if they are principled about the stand and don’t waiver.  That said trust also means adjusting their position if better information is gained. 

We have far too many politicians that think being liked is part of the job description.   Their actions alone will dictate how well liked they are.   A one politician once said, “If you want to be liked, get a dog.” 

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