Saturday, November 3, 2018

3 Nov 2018 What Do You Think About The Mid-Terms?

What Do You Think About The Mid-Terms?

During the 2016 election, a lot people who supported Trump did not tell polling organizations that. So, everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to have the big victory because all the polls said so. Will we see that repeat in the midterms? I don’t think so, because even if Trump supporters are not being honest with the polls, they have been overcome by the energized Democrat supporters.

I would bet that Democrats take over the House of Representatives. I believe the Republicans will maintain control of the Senate. Does this is sound like gridlock, it certainly does. The Republicans would rather have the Senate then the House because they can continue to confirm judges. I would not be surprised if there is another Supreme Court vacancy. However, that has to be filled in 2019 because the Republicans set the precedent not to fill the vacancy during a presidential election year.  Now will they honor that, I highly doubt it.

I think it is good for democracy to have different parties controlling the two houses of Congress. But it is probably just wishful thinking that they will work together. 

If the Democrats take back the house, it will be fun to watch the battles for leadership positions. The energized Democrats are not the ones who will support Nancy Pelosi. It will be interesting to see if they have the real power to not have her elected speaker of the house.

The only real negative of the midterm elections is we have two more years of Pres. Trump. At this point I don’t care who replaces them, just that he is replaced.

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