Friday, November 2, 2018

2 Nov 2018 What Is Wrong With Millennials?

What Is Wrong With Millennials?

This is a statement you here often.  Also, they are spoiled, pampered, thin skinned, etc.  Is there any thing wrong? No, every generation gets judged harshly by earlier ones. 

World War II people were labeled the greatest generation.  Yes, they excelled in WWII.  But you have to remember that they had the entire country behind them both emotionally and logistically. There were a lot of bad things happening on the home front like segregation and racism that is conveniently forgotten about that generation.  If the Vietnam generation had the same emotional and logistical support, things may have been different.

Millennials who are in the military perform with the same heroism and drive as any generation.  They also have technologists who are developing products that rival anything done in the past.

Millennials just have technology that can record everything they have done.  Plus, a lot of them are willing to record and post their experiences, thoughts and pictures.  There is a whole lot more data online by millennials for older generations to make judgements.  

What is wrong with millennials, nothing.  In 30 years, they will be complaining about that youger generation.

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