Thursday, November 22, 2018

22 Nov 2018 Thankgiving


Most people think of Thanksgiving as a lot of food and football.  As with most of the Federal holidays, it is important to remember the reason for it.  In this case, it is not for original intent of American Indians and settlers (and the Indians would not have a lot to be thankful for later) but for the chance to be with family and have gratitude for the good things in your life.  Most people in the US do not understand just how well they it.  There are a billion people or more around the world who would gladly trade places with those in our country called the working poor.  

Now I am not saying that working poor is any quality of life, however, in relation to how others live it is.  

I have been fortunate to lead the life that the country most identifies with. I have great housing and never want for food.  I have access to quality health care.  I have all the stuff I want or need.  However, all that is minor compared to the relationships I have.  The people in your life are much more important than anything else is.  

If you are fortunate enough to enjoy the big Thanksgiving meal, take a moment of gratitude and give thanks to what you have.     

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