Monday, November 19, 2018

19 Nov 2018 Do You Give To Strangers?

Do You Give To Strangers?

We all see the homeless people who sit on the sidewalk and ask for money.  I rarely do give money to them.  Every one of them probably has a story of why they are where they are.  Some of those stories may be very compelling.  The challenge is how many of them are going to use the money for food vice drugs or alcohol.  

I have been very fortunate that I never have been in the situation they are.  I cannot begin to understand their situation.  The living day to day and wondering where your next meal will come from.  I expect that most cities have some charitable organizations that would allow them to get some food.  

The people on the street are what we see every day of someone in need. However, a couple of days ago I was confronted by a woman in in the grocery store parking lot asking for money so she could buy her tremor medicine.  She held one arm close to her body and was it shaking.  Was she telling the truth?  I do not know.  I did not give her anything.  I saw someone else give her money.  I was unhappy with my response.  On the drive home I kept thinking if she was lying then I am out a few dollars.  But if she was telling the truth and was really needed the money, then I could have helped.  

There are times when my “don’t give money” stand needs to be waived.  I may not always give money to someone who really needs it, but there just may be a time when what I give helps.

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