Monday, November 5, 2018

5 Nov 2018 Do You Vote?

Do You Vote?

Tomorrow is a national election day.  It is critical that you go out and vote.  I don’t care who you vote for, just do it.  There are hundreds of millions if not billions of people in the world who do not get the chance to vote in real democracy.  They either have sham one candidate elections or are denied the chance to vote. You have no standing to bitch about anything government does if you don’t vote.

Don’t think your vote matters?  In the 2000 election it came down to a few hundred votes in Florida after millions voted to decide the Presidential race.  In 2016, Donald Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin with a slim margin, that proved to be the difference in his winning the Electoral College even though he lost the overall popular vote.

There are not just candidates on the ballot.  Just about every state has changes proposed to its Constitution as well as tax initiatives.  These have a direct impact on you beyond the political candidates.   

It takes little time to vote.  No one has an excuse that they don’t have time, especially with early voting.  I did the early voting option.  

Vote, it not just your right but a critical part of our democracy.   

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