Friday, November 16, 2018

16 Nov 2018 Who Is Going To Lead?

Who Is Going To Lead?

Who is going to step up and try to lead this country towards some sort of reconciliation?  I do not care what party they come from.  Someone has to show the political courage to say enough.  We are on a path towards continual gridlock at the federal level. 

Both sides are eager to point the finger at each other.  Each have strong opinions on why the other side is wrong. Some of the points may be valid, however, the overall argument, though voiced with conviction, may not be true. I have yet to hear from either party a defined way to bring the general population into a more harmonious way of living.

I don’t have my head in sand or am someone who has unrealistic expectations. We do have serious issues facing country.  We all are not going to get along. However, why not be the first to reach out and listen to the other side?  Try to understand their views.  That does mean your agree with them, it just means you are willing to give them some respect and truly listen.

I do believe the country is looking for that rare politician who cares for both sides.  He/she can have strong beliefs on issues and fight to support them.  However, they do so from a position of hearing all sides. In addition, the people who disagree feel they did listen and gave their views just consideration.   

We need many more town hall meetings and public discourse where people converse in a respectful manner. It will take time.  It will take patience.  There is that person out there to lead it.  I hope they run for President in 2020.

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