Friday, November 23, 2018

23 Nov 2018 What Does It Take To Lead?

What Does It Take To Lead?

In the business world, does the CEO have to have to deep knowledge of the technology the company produces or uses?  The going consensus for a software company was yes, the CEO had to know design and code if they are to be effective.  However, there are many examples where CEOs had the knowledge and either did good or bad or didn’t have the knowledge and did good or bad.

Jeff Bezos of Amazon does not come from a technology background but Amazon is a much a technology company as any.  Steve Jobs of Apple was not steeped in the technology side.  

It does take attitude and aptitude to lead anything.  What attitude is needed?  Would Apple, Microsoft or Amazon got to where they are if their respective leaders were nice people to work for?  I doubt it.  Do you need to be an asshole for a company to thrive?  I do not think so, however, there is a fine line to being an asshole and being tough.  Sometimes strong action is needed and that action may ruffle some people’s feelings.  

Aptitude means the leader may not be educated in the details of the technology but they can understand enough to make relevant decisions.  

True leaders would rather be respected than liked.  You need the attitude and aptitude.  However, you need the right attitude at the right time. Aptitude, you either have it you don’t. It is the rare person who succeeds who can’t grasp the technology of the business.  

I just want my leader to be decisive, smart and willing to listen to differing opinions.        

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