Tuesday, November 27, 2018

27 Nov 2018 How Do We Deal With Migrants?

How Do We Deal With Migrants?

There was a lot of press about the “migrant train” heading our way during the mid-term elections.  Funny how it died down right after.  The challenge is the issue did not just go away.  We have hundreds of migrants show up at the border each day. What do we do about it?

Is it our responsibility as a country to take whoever wants to come here?  Why don’t any of the migrants go to other Central and South American countries?  They may, I just do not hear about it.  I know Columbia is dealing with a huge problem of people leaving Venezuela.   The immigration issue has been around for decades.  It became very political.  People come here because they can find employment.  We have thousands of jobs people in this country won’t do.  A lot of migrants are fleeing countries that are torn by drug violence and corrupt governments.  Should they stay and try to change their countries?  Easy to say, but life threatening in reality. 

We cannot take everyone who wants to come.  How do you define a country if you do not have borders?  How do remain a humanitarian place but also be secure? There are no easy answers.   Closing the borders is not the way and full open borders is not either. 

We need a visa that allows people to do the jobs we do not want to do.  They do not get all the rights of citizenship but they can live openly and not in the shadows.  Businesses can be open about who they hire. 

We need “tough love” when it comes to immigration.  We need to allow those who meet criteria to get in, but also can do productive work while they are processed.  What we are doing today is not working.  It will take leaders to step up and make tough choices.  But, leaders can do it, not spineless politicians. 

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