Friday, November 30, 2018

30 Nov 2018 How Do We Change High School?

How Do We Change High School?

Getting a high school degree use to be an achievement.  Now it is just the bare minimum of the educational requirements. How do we make high school a better place to prepare people to enter the workforce?  First off, we have to admit that not everybody has to go to college or can even succeed at it.  

A long time ago when I was a student in Australia, they had a system where if you were going to go into a trade you left school at 10thgrade.  If you wanted a greater education base, you went to 11thgrade.  You only went to 12thgrade if you intended to go to college. This system work well if you have very high standards and someone with a 10th grade level of education has strong reading, writing and math skills.  If schools only focused on having students strong in those three areas, we would have a better-educated society.  In Australia, they had a strong trade history where someone would be mentored and trained by a master in that particular area.

I do not recommend that we have people leave school at 10thgrade. We just adjust the education track so that their trade is part of the school.  If we grounded them in reading, writing and math for ten years, then the final two years they could concentrate on a trade.  I mean really ground them.  We would need rigorous measurement of attainment of certain levels.  We set the bar high and not low so that everyone can pass.  Once this base is set, then they could spend most of the day learning the trade.  They would still need to have continual assignments in reading and writing so that those skills sets are maintained and improved. 

The need for trades people (e.g. heating and air conditioning, car mechanics, etc.) is not going away.  Let us have high school prepare those students who are going to go into those areas.  We need them as much as college graduates.   

Thursday, November 29, 2018

29 Nov 2018 Are There Too Many Degree Programs At Colleges?

Are There Too Many Degree Programs At Colleges?

The US has more lawyers per capita than any other country.  The number of lawyers who do not practice law and have large law school debts is increasing.  We could probably close all the law schools for 5 years and still have a surplus of lawyers.  But schools keep accepting students and churning out lawyers.  I wonder if they give out the statistics of how many of their graduates practice law, what they make and how much student debt they have?

Do we need lawyers, of course.  However it has to be a supply and demand and students have to know the risk of it. Students need to understand the risk for all degree areas. School should provide the salary and debt for each degree area.

As with sports within the athletic department, each degree program needs to be run as an independent business.  Just because someone wants to study a particular area, a school should not provide it unless it covers costs.

There is a need for research and scholarship on a wide range of areas. Every school does not have to have a department for every area of study.  All non-private colleges will require some level of taxpayer funding.  If we want an educated society, then there needs to be investment in higher education. We do not need funding for every school to offer the same degrees in all programs.

There are plenty of degree programs that I find have little value.  However, I am sure a passionate case would be made by each of them as to their positive contribution.  Again, if they can show that graduates are earning a living in that degree field and are not burdened by high debt, then they may have a case for that area of study.  

A good place to start is those lawyers…………..     

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

28 Nov 2018 Should Each College Sport Pay Its Own Way?

Should Each College Sport Pay Its Own Way?

In most Division 1 schools, football pays the bills for many other sports.  It is not the attendance at football games that provides the most revenue (though that is substantial); it is the money that TV brings in.  Many basketball programs make money but just about every other sport does not generate enough revenue to cover costs.  

Should all sports be required to be self funding?  That would eliminate most of them. Title IX laws require equal number of scholarships between men and women.  Since football has 80-100 men on scholarship this required a large increase in those to women.  There was a trade-off required for this.  Many men’s programs had to be eliminated or reduced to club status in order to fund the women’s programs.  

I support the equal scholarships but only if those programs are able to generate revenue equal to costs.  Make each sport its own “business.” If football runs a surplus, then use the extra funds to enhance the facilities for all students.  If a sport (men or women) can’t support itself, then have it go to club status.  

I look at scholarships as “salary” to “work” for the school.  You should produce value (revenue) for it.  If you don’t produce enough revenue, then eliminate the position. The truth is it is not a sport but a business from the view of the athletic department.  If it is about fairness in scholarships then make it revenue based. Make money, get scholarships.  Do not rely on some other “business” within the school to fund your sport.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

27 Nov 2018 How Do We Deal With Migrants?

How Do We Deal With Migrants?

There was a lot of press about the “migrant train” heading our way during the mid-term elections.  Funny how it died down right after.  The challenge is the issue did not just go away.  We have hundreds of migrants show up at the border each day. What do we do about it?

Is it our responsibility as a country to take whoever wants to come here?  Why don’t any of the migrants go to other Central and South American countries?  They may, I just do not hear about it.  I know Columbia is dealing with a huge problem of people leaving Venezuela.   The immigration issue has been around for decades.  It became very political.  People come here because they can find employment.  We have thousands of jobs people in this country won’t do.  A lot of migrants are fleeing countries that are torn by drug violence and corrupt governments.  Should they stay and try to change their countries?  Easy to say, but life threatening in reality. 

We cannot take everyone who wants to come.  How do you define a country if you do not have borders?  How do remain a humanitarian place but also be secure? There are no easy answers.   Closing the borders is not the way and full open borders is not either. 

We need a visa that allows people to do the jobs we do not want to do.  They do not get all the rights of citizenship but they can live openly and not in the shadows.  Businesses can be open about who they hire. 

We need “tough love” when it comes to immigration.  We need to allow those who meet criteria to get in, but also can do productive work while they are processed.  What we are doing today is not working.  It will take leaders to step up and make tough choices.  But, leaders can do it, not spineless politicians. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

26 Nov 2018 Why Do We Treat Pets Dying Better Than People?

Why Do We Treat Pets Dying Better Than People?

I can’t understand why we treat our pets better when they are dying then we do humans. When did it become necessary to use all means available keep someone alive months longer than just let the natural dying process take over?  Or worse, we do not let the person die with dignity but make them suffer longer till the physical body gives out when mentally they are ready to go.

Is it the Judeo-Christian principles that have been put in the place that guide this way of thinking?  They like to use the term assisted suicide because that seems harsher.  I understand the argument of how far you let people decide they want to end their life.  Do you have to have a terminal illness to “qualify?”  Or, can you just say I am ready to go at any time during tour adult life? 

The people that make the rules rarely are the ones who have had to deal with it. They don’t have the relative that is dying due to cancer and can’t end it because that would be wrong.  Doctors who are told to do no harm are causing untold harm in terms of pain a patient must endure because they are not allowed to end that pain with dignity.  

There is a special place in hell for people who make other people suffer a painful death because their religion says is not “Christian” like to take a life and that only God can choose when someone dies.  

I believe it is a right for an adult to choose when and how they want to die. It is not up to some government organization or any “ethical” panel to decide.  You alone should be able to make that decision.  

Sunday, November 25, 2018

25 Nov 2018 How Old To Play Football?

How Old To Play Football?

When I was a kid, I could not wait to play football.  Not flag football but in pads full contact.  We did not have any little kids leagues outside of school back then.  You had to wait until 8thgrade.  Today we have a lot more knowledge of the challenges the game can bring, especially head trauma. 

All contact sports have some level of danger for head trauma; hockey, rugby, boxing. The question is, how old should a kid be before they can participate in these.  In Canada, hockey is started as soon as you learn to skate.  But at what point does it turn into the hard hitting sport that can start the concussion challenges?  Boxing has head hitting from the start.  

Should they not be in these at all until after high school?  A good case can made for that, especially boxing.  Sports are a valuable part of a someone’s developmental process.  It teaches team work and how you need to practice if you want to improve.  That there are winners and losers in life.

I would not have my child involved in these sports until high school.  I would want them to have greater physical strength and intelligence before they start with the head hits.  I would not have them continue if they suffered two concussions. Once out of high school they can decide if they want to continue with the sports. 
I know I would have been crushed if I was held back from any sport.  However, we have a lot more data today.  A concussion is not just having ones “bell rung” and it is ok to go back in.  Parents have to make calls their kids may not like.  I would make that call if I had to.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

24 Nov 2018 How Do You Sedate?

How Do You Sedate?

When you are pissed off about something how do you sedate to get over it? Is it alcohol, drugs, binge watching NetFlix, the internet, working out or maybe even food?  Each of us has a go to remedy to help us deal with anger. But are we really dealing with it?

Most time spent sedating is not addressing the situation, it is taking your mind off of it. You may get some temporary “relief” but that is all it is. The challenge is, sedating is as harmful to you as the anger. It just does not appear in your emotions like anger.  Sedation is trying to blanket the emotions and buffer them from you.  

The reality is you need to deal with the emotions and not cover them up. Internal stress is so harmful because it does its damage slowly over time. Dealing with the emotions does not mean taking your anger out on someone else.  That just causes more problems.  So how do you get the emotions out?  You go somewhere where you can just scream and not upset anyone.  Scream? Out loud? You are kidding me, aren’t you?  No, I am not.  We have been taught to keep our emotions in check, especially men.  I remember hearing “real men don’t cry.” Why not?

Real men do cry and scream and laugh and get their emotions out.  Fake men keep it all inside. This leads to emotional hurt to others, when you go silent and hurt to yourself by the stress.  

If you go off and sedate vice addressing your emotions how is that a good for you or anyone? Be a real person and not a sedated one.   

Friday, November 23, 2018

23 Nov 2018 What Does It Take To Lead?

What Does It Take To Lead?

In the business world, does the CEO have to have to deep knowledge of the technology the company produces or uses?  The going consensus for a software company was yes, the CEO had to know design and code if they are to be effective.  However, there are many examples where CEOs had the knowledge and either did good or bad or didn’t have the knowledge and did good or bad.

Jeff Bezos of Amazon does not come from a technology background but Amazon is a much a technology company as any.  Steve Jobs of Apple was not steeped in the technology side.  

It does take attitude and aptitude to lead anything.  What attitude is needed?  Would Apple, Microsoft or Amazon got to where they are if their respective leaders were nice people to work for?  I doubt it.  Do you need to be an asshole for a company to thrive?  I do not think so, however, there is a fine line to being an asshole and being tough.  Sometimes strong action is needed and that action may ruffle some people’s feelings.  

Aptitude means the leader may not be educated in the details of the technology but they can understand enough to make relevant decisions.  

True leaders would rather be respected than liked.  You need the attitude and aptitude.  However, you need the right attitude at the right time. Aptitude, you either have it you don’t. It is the rare person who succeeds who can’t grasp the technology of the business.  

I just want my leader to be decisive, smart and willing to listen to differing opinions.        

Thursday, November 22, 2018

22 Nov 2018 Thankgiving


Most people think of Thanksgiving as a lot of food and football.  As with most of the Federal holidays, it is important to remember the reason for it.  In this case, it is not for original intent of American Indians and settlers (and the Indians would not have a lot to be thankful for later) but for the chance to be with family and have gratitude for the good things in your life.  Most people in the US do not understand just how well they it.  There are a billion people or more around the world who would gladly trade places with those in our country called the working poor.  

Now I am not saying that working poor is any quality of life, however, in relation to how others live it is.  

I have been fortunate to lead the life that the country most identifies with. I have great housing and never want for food.  I have access to quality health care.  I have all the stuff I want or need.  However, all that is minor compared to the relationships I have.  The people in your life are much more important than anything else is.  

If you are fortunate enough to enjoy the big Thanksgiving meal, take a moment of gratitude and give thanks to what you have.     

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

21 Nov 2018 Will Trump Change?

Will Trump Change?

Is there any chance that President Trump has learned anything from the mid-term elections?  I doubt it. As much as I want him to change, he is a 70+ year old man who only knows one way.  He craves adulation and he is in a job that could bring him so much. You would think with his instincts that he would understand the days of the white male ruling the country are on the downside.

Simple demographics will tell him that if he wants to leave a positive legacy, his current policies are not going to get him that.  Of course, if he only plans to be a one term President then he will not make any changes.  I would be surprised if he only stayed for one term.  He does not respect President Obama or George W Bush and for him to win once and they twice would be too much for his ego. 

He may try for a second term but the trend is not in his favor.  Politics makes big changes in a relatively short period. Two years is a long time.  Many things could happen that would improve the Republican chances in 2020.  It all starts with President Trump.  He can help the party or pretty much send it into obscurity.  I do not see the people who support him within the administration in a position to make him change.  He believes in himself deeply and thinks his instincts are correct.  It is too bad he is wrong.  

I am not sure what would make him change.  He will only get more combative and defensive if the Mueller report or the New York attorney general office bring charges against him.  

Whoever is a Republican better stand by for bad days ahead.  Your leader can’t lead for positive things but most certainly can take you down, way down.  Hope it was worth it.         

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

20 Nov 2018 Are The Dems Too Happy?

Are The Dems Too Happy?

The Democratic Party is enjoying continued success from the mid-term elections. If they want to maintain their momentum, they need to understand that several races they won were very close. They look at the mid-terms as a blue wave, however, the Republicans felt the same after 2016 and look where it got them.

The Dems should take some time to enjoy their victory.  But, they can’t take long. They have an internal battle they have to face and that is who is going to represent the party for the Presidential election in 2020.  Right now, you can’t say any one individual is the leader.  Any “traditional” (e.g. old, white, male) is not going to cut it with the progressive side of the party.  This is ironic because Bernie Sanders is the guy the progressives revere and no one is older or whiter than him. 

The guy that would attract many centrist Republicans would be Michael Bloomberg.  He has the old white guy challenges, but he also has the rich old white guy label.  I doubt this would play well on the progressive side.  In pure electability measures, Michael Bloomberg would be a great candidate for the Dems.  I don’t see how the younger further left candidates can win enough moderate votes. If they go too far left, they may alienate “conservative” democrats.  I believe that Pres Trump will so alienate anyone in the middle that people would rather have a liberal Democrat than him. 

The Democrats can and should enjoy their victory but “winter is coming” as it pertains to picking a Presidential candidate.   

Monday, November 19, 2018

19 Nov 2018 Do You Give To Strangers?

Do You Give To Strangers?

We all see the homeless people who sit on the sidewalk and ask for money.  I rarely do give money to them.  Every one of them probably has a story of why they are where they are.  Some of those stories may be very compelling.  The challenge is how many of them are going to use the money for food vice drugs or alcohol.  

I have been very fortunate that I never have been in the situation they are.  I cannot begin to understand their situation.  The living day to day and wondering where your next meal will come from.  I expect that most cities have some charitable organizations that would allow them to get some food.  

The people on the street are what we see every day of someone in need. However, a couple of days ago I was confronted by a woman in in the grocery store parking lot asking for money so she could buy her tremor medicine.  She held one arm close to her body and was it shaking.  Was she telling the truth?  I do not know.  I did not give her anything.  I saw someone else give her money.  I was unhappy with my response.  On the drive home I kept thinking if she was lying then I am out a few dollars.  But if she was telling the truth and was really needed the money, then I could have helped.  

There are times when my “don’t give money” stand needs to be waived.  I may not always give money to someone who really needs it, but there just may be a time when what I give helps.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

18 Nov 2018 Do CEO’s Get Paid Too Much?

Do CEO’s Get Paid Too Much?

How much should a CEO make?  In that vein, how much should a professional athlete make, an actor, or a school teacher? There is a debate about on how CEO’s should be compensated.  Jeff Bezos at Amazon is well known for paying his executives a very low salary relative to the market.  He made them buy stock.  Executives had to make their money by improving the stock.  This is an interesting way of paying people.  I don’t necessarily agree because an executive may do a great job but the stock stays low.  One person has very little impact on making the stock go higher, though their actions can most certainly make it go lower.

Another way of paying CEO’s is tied to a multiple of so many times above the lowest salaried employee. The gap between lowest paid and highest in most public companies has never been larger. 

CEO’s work for the Board of Directors. For public companies, the Board is supposed to look after shareholder interests. They set the pay for the CEO. A CEO can negotiate for salary, but in the end, the Board decides.  For the most part, it is a business decision.  There is a general market rate for CEOs in a certain market.  If a Board wants talent, they will need to invest in people.  

CEOs are an asset to a business that a Board feels will enhance the value of the firm.  Just as a movie studio invests in actor for a movie, or a sports team in some athlete.  It is all about increasing the value to the organization.  

Do CEO’s make too much money? Ask the Board, see if the stock price has improved. It is all about improving value.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

17 Nov 2018 What Does It Mean To Be Progressive?

What Does It Mean To Be Progressive?

Progressive is a label that is given to many millennials or people on the far left of the Democratic Party.  However, what does that mean?  

Social justice is a concept that is given to them.  I don’t believe people who would be defined as conservative have any less convictions on social justice.  Progressives seem to want government to be the solution to problems be it health care or funding for college.  Here is where conservatives generally disagree.  They want smaller government and people to take care of themselves. Now I have to be clear.  I use the term conservative and not Republicans. The Republican Party in Washington DC is so far removed their conservative roots I don’t know what to call them.  Yes there are “radicals” in the party who are as far right as progressives are left.

Progressives get negative press for their “in your face” way of getting their point across.  They have no problem with confronting a Republican in a restaurant or at home and berating them.  This does nothing to support their cause.  In fact, I think it hurts as most have a line they feel that taking ones political views may go too far.  Now, the right wing has just as many “agitators” as the Charlottesville rally last year showed.  

I feel most progressives are how Winston Churchill defined young people, “if you are not a liberal when you are 20 you have no heart; if you are not a conservative at 40 you have no brain.”   I do not fully support his view, as it is ok to have liberal views the older you are. I believe that most people evolve in their thinking as they get older and have more experience.   

Progressives are very energetic in the political realm.  It will be interesting to see how they shape the Democratic Party in the next two years.

Friday, November 16, 2018

16 Nov 2018 Who Is Going To Lead?

Who Is Going To Lead?

Who is going to step up and try to lead this country towards some sort of reconciliation?  I do not care what party they come from.  Someone has to show the political courage to say enough.  We are on a path towards continual gridlock at the federal level. 

Both sides are eager to point the finger at each other.  Each have strong opinions on why the other side is wrong. Some of the points may be valid, however, the overall argument, though voiced with conviction, may not be true. I have yet to hear from either party a defined way to bring the general population into a more harmonious way of living.

I don’t have my head in sand or am someone who has unrealistic expectations. We do have serious issues facing country.  We all are not going to get along. However, why not be the first to reach out and listen to the other side?  Try to understand their views.  That does mean your agree with them, it just means you are willing to give them some respect and truly listen.

I do believe the country is looking for that rare politician who cares for both sides.  He/she can have strong beliefs on issues and fight to support them.  However, they do so from a position of hearing all sides. In addition, the people who disagree feel they did listen and gave their views just consideration.   

We need many more town hall meetings and public discourse where people converse in a respectful manner. It will take time.  It will take patience.  There is that person out there to lead it.  I hope they run for President in 2020.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

15 Nov 2018 Are The Dems Setting Their Own Trap?

Are The Dems Setting Their Own Trap?

The Democratic Party is very energized right now as they should be. They have just come off an impressive midterm election victory. Since they took over the House of Representatives, you read a lot of articles on the subpoenas that they plan to levy against the Trump administration.

I know there are several areas that are very justified in investigating. Congress has to act as a check and balance on the President. However, they need to be careful that they don’t get overzealous in their pursuit of Trump. As badly as some in the Democratic Party want to impeach Pres. Trump, they better be sure they have very strong legal justification. As unpopular as Pres. Trump is to many Americans, they also want fair handling of an issue of that magnitude. If the Democrats push too hard on impeachment and the public does not feel the charges levied against him rise to the level of “crimes and misdemeanors” as defined in the Constitution, they could be setting up the potential of a backlash in the presidential election in 2020.

Just as the Republicans abused their power in Congress in the first two years of the Trump administration, the Democrats could see the same results handed to them if they don’t have wise leadership. The Democrats see blood in the water and want to attack and attacked they will. But there are surgical the attacks and there are carpet bombing attacks, the Dems better be surgical or they may pay a price they may regret. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

14 Nov 2018 Should We Rescue People Who Stayed?

Should We Rescue People Who Stayed?

When an area is told they have a mandatory evacuation, should rescue services be used to go get them after the fact?  Now I know there will always be cases where someone may not have the resources to leave.  If you are poor and don’t have a car and live in a rural area, you may not be able to leave. Or, you have an elderly family member who needs special care.  There are organizations that can help before the event.  There are very few natural disasters that don’t give a community at least a few day’s notice.  

The vast majority of people who need to be rescued after a disaster are low income. Most have lived in their area their whole lives and feel like “I survived this before.” It is easy to have those thoughts.  Most people don’t think bad stuff is going to happen to them.

The wild fires out in California are an example were very little warning is given. A guy I know got a call from his mom and sister who live next to each other.  They were given just minutes notice to get out immediately as in life threatening fast.  The ran out of their houses and got in their cars and just made it. They mean they just made it. His mom thought for sure she was not going to make due to the fires on the road. His mom and sister’s house when up in flame minutes after they left. Some did not make it even though they left when told.  

It is easy to judge people who call to be rescued after a disaster, especially those who were told to leave.  Each may have a reason, even if it is not a good one.  Yes, we should rescue all we can.       

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

13 Nov 2018 How Much Federal Help Is Enough?

How Much Federal Help Is Enough?

During natural disasters, the Federal government, specifically the Federal Emergency Management Agency is the on-site point for assistance.  Every state has a FEMA like office.  The National Guard is also “owned” by the Governors’ in each state when they are not called for Federal duty. 

What level of damage is needed for the FEMA to come in?  You usually don’t see it with tornadoes even though the damage can be severe locally.  Do some states rely on the federal government to bail them out for poor planning on there part?  That is really tough to say.  There is a good case that New Orleans good have been better prepared for Katrina is the funds for flood control were better managed. However, the city may not have had as much control as the state.  

I don’t think any city can support itself after a disaster as large as Katrina. Even states can’t do it themselves. Puerto Rico was leveled last year. It still feels the effects.  

The question is, what level of rebuilding should be funded by the federal government? The answer is always political.  You would think as a country we would go all in to help another area because you never know when it could be you.  I don’t like when states and cities complain the federal government has not done enough.  Those criticism are really about their own inability to lead in a crisis. 

The federal government may not always do their best in a crisis, but the people of the country do.  It was amazing to see what the private sector and people did to go to Louisiana and Mississippi during Katrina and last year in Houston.  Sometimes we just need to get government out of the way.      

Monday, November 12, 2018

12 Nov 2018 What Does Veterans Day Mean?

What Does Veterans Day Mean?

World War One ended on the 11thhour of the 11thday of the 11thmonth in 1918. Since then 11 November has been designated Veterans Day. This is different than Memorial Day. Memorial Day honors those who gave their life in defense of the country. Veterans day honors those who served in the military. Today, the smallest percentage of the population has served or is serving in the military for the last 100 years.  

The highest point of recognition from the public for military service was as at the end of WW II.  This was due to the entire country mobilizing industry to support the effort, plus the massive size of people in the military.  The lowest came but 25 years later in the later stages of the Vietnam war. Military people were scorned and ridiculed by groups.  

A very large percentage of the military is made up people under the age of 25. Very few have any direct impact on strategic decisions. Yet, they were the ones who took the brunt of the negative vitriol from Vietnam.  

Today the military gets an abundance of positive recognition in industry, at sporting events and especially on television.

We have been at war for 15 years. The casualty rate has been very low relative to our previous wars.  Even one death overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan gets some mention in the news, maybe even specifically identifying the name of the person.  During Vietnam, we averaged 100 KILLED PER WEEK for 9 years.  That does not include those who were injured. A good percentage of that young group may not have even wanted to be in the military as we still had a draft.

Take a moment to think of a veteran you know in your life.   

Sunday, November 11, 2018

11 Nov 2018 Can You Have Too Much Loyalty?

Can You Have Too Much Loyalty?

President Trump demands loyalty above all else for anyone who works for him. Now that loyalty is not returned. The challenge is you want competent people serving the President not just yes men or ass kissers.  But that is what Trumps wants.  This is very similar to how to LBJ worked his whole political life. He wanted undying loyalty from his staff.   Some very talented people did not work for him because he was an asshole to work for.  He underpaid, you had to be available 24/7 no matter what. Any family issue was trivial to what his demands were. 

From what I have been able to read, Trump was not a bad guy to work for.  He was demanding but also cared about his people. That is until you showed disloyalty.  Michael Cohen is a perfect example of this.  Cohen was totally loyal to Trump, would do anything to clean up his messes.  Once Cohen got caught up in the Mueller investigation, he found how loyal Trump was to him.  Trump dismissed all Cohen did for him. Cohen got a taste of the real Trump.  

People will be loyal to a boss or organization if they feel that each really cares for them. It has to be two-way street. Demanding loyalty with nothing in return creates a work atmosphere I want nothing to do with.  You can’t demand something that you yourself are not willing to do.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

10 Nov 2018 Do You Like Or Trust Your Representatives?

Do You Like Or Trust Your Representatives?

I think a lot of people vote for someone because they like them.  They also vote for someone because the dislike the other candidate more.  There are a lot of politicians I like as a person; however, I do not trust them as my representative.  There are politicians I trust but do not necessarily like.  

I favor trust a whole lot more.  Trust means they will do as they say.  Trust means they will make the tough decisions based on what is best not only for their state or district but also the country.  Trust means not always following the party line.  Trust means not trying to be liked but to lead others in doing what is right.  Trust means I may not always like what stand they take but will respect them if they are principled about the stand and don’t waiver.  That said trust also means adjusting their position if better information is gained. 

We have far too many politicians that think being liked is part of the job description.   Their actions alone will dictate how well liked they are.   A one politician once said, “If you want to be liked, get a dog.” 

Friday, November 9, 2018

9 Nov 2018 Is Accusation Enough?

Is Accusation Enough?

The MeToo  movement has brought to light decades of bad, even criminal, behavior of men towards women. It not only ripped a scab off of the wounds it cut down to the bone.  To say it is about time is a gross understatement.  We as a society have to be better.  It takes a lot of courage to come forward when a woman has been harassed or assaulted.  The business climate has always favored the man.  

We need to start teaching and correcting boys from a very young age in how to treat women. To me it is kinda sad that we would even have to do this. But there is reality and it needs to be done.  Respect for women has to be instilled in boys’ minds and actions. They also need to be counseled and even disciplined if their behaviors and actions fail to meet what is expected.

My only caution with today’s MeToo movement is that the accusation can’t be the only evidence that renders an automatic guilty verdict.  There is a guilty until proven innocent environment right now. A man’s career can’t to be ended with the accusation alone.  The overwhelming number of women coming forward have legitimate accusations and should be acted on.  Many women’s careers have been stalled or ended from one incident, why not a man’s? If he is guilty of the accusation, then I wholeheartedly agree he should suffer the criminal or at least business consequences.   But it must be done with due process.  Do we as a society want to go down the path where the accusation alone is all that is needed?  I hope I am not coming off as protecting men.  Far from it, I want sexual harassment eradicated from the workplace. But I also want due process to be way to come to a decision on the accusation.  If we accept the accusation as enough for sexual harassment/assault where does it stop?     

Women need to be treated with respect.  When a man crosses that line, he needs to be held accountable.  Does presumed guilt, public shaming and loss of job until proven innocent the way it should go?  To change decades of behaviors some might believe so, but I am not so sure. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

8 Nov 2018 What About The Election Results?

What About The Election Results?

Well the elections went overall as predicted. The Dems took back the House, Republicans maintain the Senate. I see this as a positive. We now have a Branch of the federal government that will push back against Pres. Trump. The challenge for the Democrats is they have two years to show they are responsible in leading the House of Representatives. That is, they work with the Senate to get legislation passed, especially the budget. If there is a battle on the budget that leads to any shutdown or continuing resolution, the Republicans we’ll be able point and say the Dems really did not want to work with us. Now this is the ultimate hypocrisy because the Republicans never work with the Democrats. However, for election slogans they will be able to tout all the negatives. 

The Democrats also have to be careful in how they attack Pres. Trump. If it is seen that they only want to take him down because they don’t like him, that may backfire on them in the 2020 elections. Both parties have seen how quickly the mood of the public changes and that control of each House of Congress is never long-term.

The Republicans are happy to have the Senate so they can continue to confirm as many judicial appointees as they can. Also, they can block any “radical” proposals from the House.  Will they work together, I doubt it.  Will Pres. Trump unite them, I doubt it.  Will we have gridlock, probably. I am ok with gridlock as long as the budget is passed.

I did fail in my one prediction, that Ted Cruz would lose his Senate seat. He did not win by much but he did win.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

7 Nov 2018 How Does Either Party Stay Relevant?

How Does Either Party Stay Relevant?

Both political parties face some difficult challenges no matter the results of the election.  The Republicans have a bigger challenge in that they are not only viewed as the party of old white men, they are the party of old white men. Pres. Trump has done his best to alienate women and minority groups. The party has also made no effort to attract younger voters.  They would have to make a major change in candidates for the 2020 election if they ever hope to bring any one of those groups into the party. The demographics are not in their favor at all.  It is not just the President, Congress has a distinct lack of diversity within the Republican Party. They have relied on the non-college educated white male voter for far too long. I just don’t see the party platform attracting minority or women candidates in the near future, especially as long as Donald Trump is involved.

The Democrats also have challenges. Theirs is a large gap in age between the leadership and the energized youth.  They may have a repeat of the 2016 election where hardened battle lines are drawn between the progressive end of the party and the current leadership. The money and energy for the Democratic Party resides in the youth. They cannot be taken for granted. Also, minority groups, long assumed as rubber stamps for Democrats, has to be relooked.  The Democrats are on the verge in slowly taking power not only in Congress but in state legislatures. However, they have to stay a unified group for this to happen. That will be no easy task.

I would love to see a third political party that can attract enough candidates to actually make a difference in Congress.  This would go a long way to help break the gridlock.  If the Republicans and Democrats both had less than 50% strength in either House of Congress, they would be forced to negotiate with independent candidates and the other party to get any legislation passed. This would be very good for the country.

I am going to enjoy the build-up to the 2020 election. The internal party battles will be fun to watch.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

6 Nov 2018 What Are Your Election Predictions?

What Are Your Election Predictions?

Millions of dollars are spent on polls to predict elections.  I still don’t understand how asking 700 people in a country of over 300 million gives you a statistically relevant sample to make a prediction.  2016 was a watershed election for pollsters in that the majority got it very wrong. Hillary Clinton was predicted to win big.  She won the popular vote, not by a large margin but she lost the Electoral College.

The election today centers on Congress.  Can the Democrats re-take the House of Representatives?  Can the Republican hold the Senate?  Most polls lean in the Democrats favor to take the House.  I predict they will win big.  I believe the energized progressive side of the party (i.e. young voters) will finally come out in large numbers to be a critical factor. Women will also swing very strongly for Democrats.  Trump has alienated far too many people than he has energized.  The demographics of the country are changing, and this election will be a bell weather for things to come.    The real fun will be to see who the Dems pick for Speaker of the House.  If the progressive wing comes out strong and influences the election, they will fight hard to not have Nancy Pelosi in charge.  I still think she will win the speakership.

I predict the Republicans will hold the Senate.  They will be happy for this as they will continue to confirm conservative judges which they value above all else. 

These are all in line with current poll predictions.

President Trump will take no responsibility for any Republican losses.  He will blame the candidates.  I have no doubt he will also blame the press for anything negative.  However, he will take all the credit for any victories

Any upset predictions?  Ted Cruz will lose his Senate seat.

Monday, November 5, 2018

5 Nov 2018 Do You Vote?

Do You Vote?

Tomorrow is a national election day.  It is critical that you go out and vote.  I don’t care who you vote for, just do it.  There are hundreds of millions if not billions of people in the world who do not get the chance to vote in real democracy.  They either have sham one candidate elections or are denied the chance to vote. You have no standing to bitch about anything government does if you don’t vote.

Don’t think your vote matters?  In the 2000 election it came down to a few hundred votes in Florida after millions voted to decide the Presidential race.  In 2016, Donald Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin with a slim margin, that proved to be the difference in his winning the Electoral College even though he lost the overall popular vote.

There are not just candidates on the ballot.  Just about every state has changes proposed to its Constitution as well as tax initiatives.  These have a direct impact on you beyond the political candidates.   

It takes little time to vote.  No one has an excuse that they don’t have time, especially with early voting.  I did the early voting option.  

Vote, it not just your right but a critical part of our democracy.   

Sunday, November 4, 2018

4 Nov 2018 Is There Any National Politician With Integrity?

Is There Any National Politician With Integrity?

I am coming to the conclusion that to be a politician at the national level you have to sell you integrity.  All I heard about Paul Ryan was how good a person and family man he was.  Over the last 3 years since Donald Trump entered the Presidential race, I have seen Paul Ryan sell his soul.  I can’t believe he put the Republican Party and Donald Trump above his personal convictions.  Could I say the same to just about every politician?  Yes, but Paul Ryan was Speaker of the House.  He had power.  He could have pushed back real hard on the behavior of President Trump.  Trump could not fire him.  If Ryan stood strong and told the President and the people he was very wrong every time, more politicians may have stepped forward.

Power is intoxicating, but it does not last forever.  History is going to be very cruel and harsh to the Republicans who licked Trump’s shoes and kissed his ass. Instead of upholding the values of separation of powers between the Congress and the Presidency, they blindly followed him.  

Nobody and I mean nobody celebrates when something passes the House but has not yet passed the Senate.  But the Republicans did just that when they overturned ObamaCare.  There was this big to do on the White House lawn.  Did it become law, no.  Paul Ryan should have told the President they only celebrate when he signs it into law.  Ryan embarrassed himself and the party.  

Paul Ryan is the poster boy for sell outs.  He is retiring and will fade back to Wisconsin with no integrity or honor. I do not wish him well.