Thursday, February 1, 2018

1 Feb 2018 Why Do I Like Time Alone?

Why Do I Like Time Alone?                     

I have found I’m very comfortable being just with myself.   In fact, I know I need time alone.  This is in no way to be viewed as anything negative with my spouse.  We have a great time together.  My time alone strengthens our relationship. She has her activities that she enjoys that I don’t care to participate in just as I have mine. 

With our children grown and on their own there is plenty of time for each other and to be separate.  I have that luxury.   If you have children or even more challenging, you are a single parent, the demands on your time make it difficult to get some time just for you.

However, I feel it is critical that everyone get sometime each day where they are alone and won’t be disturbed.   It may only be 15 minutes.   My time alone is spent working out, reading, and writing.  It is rare that I watch any TV.   That is an activity that does not bring me much enjoyment.   However, I do enjoy watching movies with Kathy.  This is maybe once a week. I used to watch a lot of TV.   We used to eat dinner in front of it.   I have made us sit at a table with the TV off and the two of us just talking to each other. 

I have found I like quiet more and more when I am driving long distance.   I have made trips that are four hours each way with nothing but me and my thoughts.   My wife Kathy is just the opposite.  When at home or in the car she wants the TV or radio on.   Fortunately, at home I can go to different part of the house.  

The one place I really enjoy background noise is when I sit on my deck and listen to nature.  I never tire of that.   I try to do my writing and reading outside when the weather cooperates.

My time alone works for me.  The quality of my life would be severely impacted if that time was not available.  

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