What Sayings Do You Like?
I really like an impactful saying. One
that makes me think. The best ones are those that inspire action. However, as I
believe with most aspects of life there needs to be some control what you do.
For example, if you live like there was no tomorrow you will quickly lose
everything and when the next tomorrow comes what would you do?
I fully support the idea of living
the absolute most you can today, however I’m also betting on living along life.
I did not always live this way. I certainly lived for the moment. I am on a three-prong
life plan. The first is cleaning up from past poor choices. The second is
taking advantage today of what life has to offer within prudent financial
boundaries. The third is the plan of how I will live life once I get number one
taken care of.
Now back to sayings. One of the most
memorable is Martin Luther King’s “do not judge on the color of one’s skin but
on the content of their character.” The other is JFK‘s “ask not what your
country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” Those are too
high level global ones let’s Form a great foundation.
I know there are multitudes of
religious based sayings that give a lot of people comfort in stressful times as
well as everyday life.
From my Navy days, we had these it
pretty much covered our perspective. One, “blowing things up is fun.” We’ve
flew bombers and dropped ordinance and would like to watch it.
Number two is “sometimes you got to
play hurt.” If you were out the night before having a big time, you still had
to show up the next morning no matter what you felt like for your flight.
Number three, “the female of the
species makes the choice.” This is from watching guys at the back of the bar do
all they can to impress someone but in the end of the woman has to decide if
she says yes.
Number four is, “it is always darkest
before pitch black.” This one came from night landings on the carrier or if you
think things could not get worse.
The next few were ones that had the
biggest impact on me. The first is “you are the average of the five people you
associate with,” that was from Jim Rome. This has a profound impact on your
life if you really look at who influences your life and how you’re she does it.
Next is “don’t take anything
personally.” This comes from the book The Four Agreements. I used to let what
other people said or did have a strong negative impact on me, instead of
focusing on what I could control. I let emotions, or my ego get in the way.
“Be yourself everyone else is taken,”
that’s from Oscar Wilde. I am who I am. I can’t be who you may want me to be or
if I maybe wanted to be someone else. I just have to be myself.
Robin Sharma said “be content with
what you have.” My life is not going to get better if I buy one more thing I
think I want or need.
Lastly, “discipline equals freedom”
from Jacko Willick. If I stay true to my core principles, the more life.
I know there are many books on
savings. I wanted to highlight ones that spoke to me.
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