Tuesday, February 27, 2018

27 Feb 2018 What Do You Think Of Colin Kaepernick?

What Do You Think Of Colin Kaepernick?

There was a lot of media coverage about Collin sitting down during the national anthem. This is what the 1st Amendment is all about. If he chooses to sit, he can sit. I will defend to the end his right to do this. Do I agree with how we went about it, not really. But that is irrelevant. Do I think his messages important, very much so. What is also important to understand is that there are consequences for expressing one’s freedom of speech.

The consequences are other people expressing their right to how they feel about his actions. Two his many distractors I ask, if you had an opportunity to express your outrage over something you felt deeply about, and you had a chance to make people talk about the issue, what better way could have chosen?

I also would ask the distractors if his message needs addressing?  To Mr. Kaepernick I ask, what was your intent? You did the easy part, easy being adding your voice to the chorus. You made you’re feelings know, now what? What actions are you going to take to be part of the solution? We need solutions. We need people who are going to make me effort at the ground level to improve things.

I hope people cherish the 1st Amendment. It is the cornerstone of democracy. You may not agree what someone says, however, you should be outraged if they are prevented from saying it.

Freedom of speech it Is vital. But so is Justice. You may not like how he went about voicing his views, but ask yourself did what he say highlight a problem that needs to be talked about and fixed?  I do.

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