Friday, February 23, 2018

23 Feb 2018 How Was TV A Part Of My Life?

How Was TV A Part Of My Life?

Television was a major part of my life growing up.   In fact, until several years ago it has always been a big part of my life.   When I was young, each evening would be spent in front of the TV sometimes with family sometimes by myself.  Saturday mornings where the time of cartoons and animated shows.  I would pretty much spend each Saturday and watch those until about 10 o’clock.   

I vividly remember when the first Batman TV show was going to come on.  I believe it was 1967.  I was out with my friends just after dinner and we were anxiously awaiting the time it would come on to see the debut show.  As I look back on it now the show looks so bad, but at the time it was very engrossing, entertaining, and we loved it.   The show always ended with the saying “same bat time same bat channel.”
I was also very interested in the spy shows like the Avengers and The Man from Uncle.   I really wasn’t into Star Trek. I wasn’t a big science fiction fan.  I was a huge fan of anything that had a military flavor to it.  Of course, I was also a huge fan of any comedy.   I think the worst punishment my parents could’ve gave me if I did something wrong was would have been to force me to watch Public Television.   It had British dramas or other what would be considered classics, however they were just boring to me and it was very painful to even have to sit for a few minutes and watch.  
Back in the 60s there were certain movies that we’re only shown once a year.   The Wizard of Oz was the biggest of them all.   It was an annual event for the family to watch.

It is funny how in my readings when I was older I come across how much critics hated some of the shows I really enjoyed.  The Beverly Hillbillies was very popular for eight years on television, however it was savaged by the critics.   The show just made me laugh. 

Even though I watched a lot of TV, I spent an equal amount of time outside playing.   That is probably the difference from today in that with video games and on-demand movies for just about any TV show, you can watch it anytime you want.   We had to watch at a specific time on a specific day the shows we wanted.   Plus, even though we watched a lot of TV, our parents made us go outside and play.   They didn’t really have to make a us go out and play, I enjoyed that immensely.    The TV industry was smart in the summertime and that they only did reruns of shows.  They knew we would be outside in the evening because it was light out later and would not be watching anything.  Also, with school out parents allowed us to stay out later. 

When I was young, commercials did not bother me that much. It was just part of the show. Today I hate commercials.  I don’t remember commercials having that big of influence on me. There was not a specific item I remember hearing about in a commercial and then telling my parents I wanted. There may have been many I just don’t remember any one in particular.   

As I said earlier, television was always a big part of my life. That is until 9 years ago. I have vastly reduced the amount of TV I watch.  I could get rid of my television today and I would not miss it.    Yes, I do enjoy watching a sporting event and an occasional show but that is rare.

I have no doubt that if I where young again I would be into video games.   I can see how they can suck you in for hours at a time.   At least with video games you are an active participant. While with the television you just sit there and watch.  I know all activities such as that need to have time limits.

I have very fond memories of the television while growing up. I don’t look back at it as if I wasted my time.   I got into reading when I was 17.  I read a great deal.  I also watched a lot of TV.   At this time of my life I have transitioned away from TV and more into reading.   I am sure there are television shows today for the youth that captivate them as much as the ones that were on when I was their age. 

The biggest difference today besides video games is the vast number of channels that are out there for people to watch.   When I was growing up we pretty much had three maybe four channels in which to choose from.  Also, the quality of the production of the shows and commercials are so much better.  The quality of the video and audio in televisions is astounding.   Today you can get a better home system then was available in theaters in the 80s. 

When I see an old show or reference to one it takes me right back to the time sitting in our family room and watching it.

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