Thursday, February 8, 2018

8 Feb 2018 Is It Privilege Or Opprtunity?

Is It Privilege Or Opportunity?

If I were to believe some of the writings or podcasts out in the Internet world, I as an older white male have no redeeming qualities. My white privilege has tainted any accomplishment. Your point of view for this argument is critical. No way can I fully understand challenges a person of color has to go through in life in the USA. I can’t “walk a mile in their shoes.”

I would frame the discussion away from white privilege to that of opportunity. If it were purely privilege, there would be no poor uneducated white people.

What one does with the opportunities that are offered should be the metric and not just skin color or gender.

Did I have more opportunity than the average person of color? I would say yes. I grew up in a middle-class home. I had incredible public school facilities, teachers and materials. My father paid my way through college. So yes, my chances to excel were all there for me.

Did I take full advantage of the opportunities, no. But this is on me and no one else. Once in the workplace did I have more opportunity? I would say maybe. Ultimately, each organization judges people on results. Did I see outright bias at times, yes. Were they the exception vice the rule? That one I am not sure of. I only have my experiences and they may not represent reality for a majority of people.

What did I do when I was in a position to offer an opportunity? That is when I led a group and an opening occurred. I hired on attitude and apptitude. I know that evaluating someone’s attitude can become subjective. It came down to how the team can meet objectives.

You can have a very diverse team, but it still develops a certain chemistry. Anyone joining that team has to have the attitude to be part of it and not have the team adapt to him or her. You also have to have the aptitude to do the work. If you fit in great with the group but can’t do the work you will hurt the group. If you are great at the work but can’t interact with the group, you will hurt it.

I would like to have a dialogue with people who say I am only where I am due to white privilege. I want to understand the challenges they have had. I want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

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