Thursday, August 9, 2018

9 Aug 2018 Can An Evil Person Redeem Themselves?

Can An Evil Person Redeem Themselves?

From a Christian based viewpoint, yes, a person can redeem themselves. Redemption in this instance deals with life after physical death.  However, in that person’s current life, they may feel they have done actions that in their mind warrants redemption.  However, is redemption an inner or outer result?  Is forgiveness the outer redemption?  I don’t think so.  Forgiveness is one’s way of purging internal feelings about some wrong done to them. Whereas in redemption, you actively participate in the change of another person.

I believe that a person has to experience an inner redemption irrespective of any external forgiveness or help.  It does no good if someone gets redemption from someone else or society at large if they still harbor negative thoughts or feelings inside.  

Can any act of evil be redeemed?  If the act ended in the taking of another life, it gets complicated.  Even that has “degrees” of evil. If you did something to someone but it did not kill them but left deep emotional scars that had a large impact on their life, is that just as evil?  A drunk driver could kill someone and that may be viewed as an evil act. The drunk’s intent was not to kill, it was just a consequence.  Someone who premediates a murder needs to be viewed differently.  That has differences too.  If someone did something heinous to your child, and you went out and killed that person, which is premediated murder, are you as evil as that person? I don’t think so.  You also did not allow that person a chance for redemption.  You also have to face consequences for that action.  You may get forgiveness and redemption from many and you may feel “better” for doing it, but you may also have to live life in prison.  No parent should have to face that choice.

Redemption is challenging especially if you are helping someone to redeem themselves for something they did to you or someone you know.  A lot of people would disagree with you for helping. That is their issue not yours.  If helping an evil person in redemption helps you, then that is all that counts.  I am not sure I would have the strength or character or help that person.  I don’t want to find out.

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