Monday, August 27, 2018

27 Aug 2018 Would You Stand Up?

Would You Stand Up?

I criticize members of Congress for not standing up to the President. Right now if you do it, it means you will probably lose your next election.  For member of the House, they only serve 2 years at a time so they have to campaign every election cycle.  Senators serve for 6 years so they can be more vocal especially if they 4 years to go.  For a lot of them, being in their elected position is something they have always wanted. Should they do what needs to done to stay in office (e.g. not criticize the President)?  On the other hand, should they take a stand on what they really believe and have to leave their job?  The moralist in me says you take a stand and if you lose your job, at least you can hold your head high.  However, I can also see the argument “if I keep my head down for now and hope this will pass.”  I do not agree with that logic but I can understand it.

Most people may never have to make a decision that challenges their morals or what they know is right.  I can say I will always stick to my principles but I have not had to face that dilemma.  I have no doubt I would risk my life to help save someone else whose life is in immediate danger. But, would I risk my job and thus affect my family to speak up to some bad leader?  That sounds like a contradiction but it is not.  

I have no respect for congressional representatives who do not speak out because they support the President.  I am unhappy with those who do not speak out because they are protecting their jobs, but I do not disrespect them as much.  I wish they did.  Would I if I was in their position, I certainly hope so.

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