Sunday, August 26, 2018

26 Aug 2018 Can We Have Allies With Bad Customs?

Can We Have Allies With Bad Customs?

We have many allies around the world.  Some of these countries share our ideas and customs.  However, some of them have practices that are at odds with our values.  Does a countries strategic value outweigh its internal customs?   Should we judge a country by our values?  

We should take a hard look at some of our allies.  Saudi Arabia is one whose internal practices are not aligned with us. Though it is improving, the treatment of women is not what we would call acceptable.  Should we look the other way because we need their oil or because we don’t want an adversary to replace us?  I say no.  If a country does not live by values you consider acceptable then you should be willing to not be a partner with them.  Their argument is that is how their society has operated for centuries.  That does not make it right.  Do the oppressed in the country like the way they are treated? Would they want the country to change and treat them the same?  I would say yes, they would.  It is easy for the ruling class to want to keep things as they are.  They are in power.  We should not reward a country for those practices.

China has a terrible human rights record.  It watches everything its citizens do.  It has a closed internet for the country.   Any dissent leads to jail and even death.  Yet, we have every company wanting to do business with them.  Our companies give away its technology to China in order to get sales.  This is wrong.  Even Google has succumbed to the lure of business in China.  So much for their “Do no harm” claim.  I guess sales outweigh ethics.

The US should not help repressive regimes stay in power.  I don’t accept the premise that it is ok if a country treats its citizens badly if they help us strategically.  You either have principles or you don’t.  Sometimes it is difficult to take a stand on those principles, but you are better for it if you do.   

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