Wednesday, August 29, 2018

29 Aug 2018 What High School Class Would You Teach?

What High School Class Would You Teach?

I would teach a class that combines speaking, reading, writing, financial education, and plant the seed continuously over the school that they are responsible for their future.

Public speaking is a skill like any other that can be improved with practice. I would have students present a topic every other week.  It would cover current events and historical ones.  We would practice mock interviews.  The first time they speak they present an argument from the view they want it.  In two weeks, they have to present an argument to support it from the opposite view.  This way it forces them to look at things differently. Sometimes it will be just them, other times it may be a debate format with another student. However, the goal is to get them as much experience speaking in front of people.

I would have weekly reading and writing assignments to get those skills enhanced. Some of this would be in preparation for the speaking assignments.  Critical thinking skills are the main theme for these areas. 

Over the course of the year I would provide financial education briefings from other people on all areas related to this.  Credit debt, retirement, mortgages, anything that may impact them.  

I would also instruct them on personal responsibility themes. I would introduce them to ideas from people like Tony Roberts, Robin Sharma, Napoleon Hill, etc. A core practice would be “Deep Work” as explained by Cal Newport.  Every week reinforce that they can do anything they want if they take action and do the work. That they take personal responsibility for their future and not blame others.  They would memorize and repeat each week the “man in the arena speech” by Teddy Roosevelt and the poem “Invictus” (“I am the master of my fate, captain of my soul”) by William Henley.

This is how would prepare students for their entry into post-high school life.        

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