Tuesday, August 14, 2018

14 Aug 2018 Do You Condone Him?

Do You Condone Him?

If you work for President Trump, does that mean you condone his actions?  Many who do work there say they do it for the country. However, I don’t buy that.  This is where I disagree with members of Congress who publicly don’t criticize but privately hate him.  That does not count.  You either stand up for what you believe in or get out.  Same with anyone in the executive branch.  If you really dislike what he has done but stay, you condone everything. You don’t get a pass because you say you are doing it for the country.   This is where I lost all respect for Gen Kelley, the Chief of Staff.  I thought he was man of honor, I was wrong.  Trump is forcing DoD to have a military parade to satisfy his ego.  Gen Kelley is supporting it.  It is a waste of resources.  Trump is a draft dodging coward yet when he disparages John McCain, a person who went through something very people ever, Gen Kelley still stands by Trump’s side.

I am not saying you are never going to disagree with your boss and have to blindly follow her or him.  I am saying if your boss took sides with a dictator instead of with the US agencies who provided him with overwhelming evidence that this dictator meant harm to the US and you stayed, then you too support that dictator.

I guess there is no line this President can cross that will make people quit their jobs.  People’s egos are too tied to the elixir of working in the White House.  They chose ego over moral courage, or it seems they have no moral courage.  They do not even speak out “off the record.”  The executive staff of the White House blindly follow President Trump no matter what. That is sad.  

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