Tuesday, August 7, 2018

7 Aug 2018 What Country Would You Live In For A Year?

What Country Would You Live In For A Year?

I lived in Australia for a year during my teens years.  I always thought I would go back there and live again. Have not done that.   Though I would still like to do an extended visit there, I would rather go somewhere I could learn a foreign language.  

Florence Italy has always held my interest.   I thought a lot about Jerusalem.  I visited there a couple of times and came away with a special feeling.  I never felt any less secure there than any place else. Spain has some fantastic cities and beach towns that would be great to live in.  I will visit these places again, but not to live.

After a lot of thought and reading books and articles, Iran is the country I would most like to go live for a year. It’s long history and as part of the Silk Road transportation network for centuries has always been of great interest to me. Though it’s recent history and representation in the media is generally not positive, it still is a large country with a vast culture and the population whose ancestors for millennia have been traders. It is beautiful country especially up north. I look more at the positives the country has to offer than the negatives. I wouldn’t stay in one spot like the city of Teheran but would try extended periods in several areas. The goal would be to have conversational fluency with the language. As to writing and reading it, anything in those areas would just be extra.

As to when I will be able to do this, that is a challenge I still can’t define. It is not just a dream and as such will begin to set milestones and a plan of action to obtain.

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