Friday, August 24, 2018

24 Aug 2018 Do You Care About Elections?

Do You Care About Elections?

I think it is sad that hundreds of million or even billions of people around the world want to have the ability to freely elect who leads their country. But they don’t due to repressive governments.  Whereas in the US, just about everyone can vote, yet, the numbers that do is not great. Less than 60% of eligible voters voted. People take for granted the democracy we have.  It has faults as all governments do, however, as of yet I have not seen a better option. 

There is a lot pf press that the actions and rhetoric of President Trump has energized the Democrats.  It will be interesting to see how that translates in the November elections. Traditionally, the off-year elections have a lower turnout than Presidential ones.  The general consensus is that the Democrats will retake the House of Representatives.  That would cause challenges to any legislation being passed for two more years.   The big issue would be if they retake the Senate. The Democrats would not approve any judicial nominations from the President. Not just Supreme Court but any lower courts too.  They want payback for the Republicans blocking of Merrick Garlands appoint to the Supreme Court in the last year of Obama’s presidency.  

I want people of all political ideologies to come out and vote.  It is important not only at the federal level, but also state and local positions.  Elected officials make laws that impact you.  If you disagree with those laws but did not vote, then you have no reason to complain.  An active citizenry is vital for a thriving democracy.  Do your part and vote.      

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