Sunday, August 5, 2018

5 Aug 2018 Are You Optimistic?

Are You Optimistic?

I am an optimistic person.  That was not the case for a long time.  I had a negative attitude which got in the way of optimism.  I would complain about the small stuff or get worked up over it (e.g. traffic).  I was not a downer person, just looked at things initially from a negative view.  I was quick to criticize.  The biggest challenge was how long I held a grudge. It would be for decades for some issues.  

This negative energy I held inside, or voiced, got in the way of seeing just how fortunate I was and am.  I bet it even had an impact on my health, I just didn’t recognize or accept it.  

This negative view was brought home to me in my second marriage.  My wife’s initial reaction to things was negative. It showed me how I acted.  It is a work in progress, but she is striving each day not to assume something will go wrong.

My life is better since I started to curb my long standing outlook.  I still have my challenges, especially in traffic. But overall, I look at things much more positively and have greatly reduced my negative comments.  Though there are still some people who test my progress, they are not the norm.

Improving my attitude has increased my optimism and in turn has had a beneficial impact on my life.  I am much the better person because of it.

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