Monday, August 20, 2018

20 Aug 2018 Can Liberals Be Racist?

Can Liberals Be Racist?

Does someone have to follow all the “accepted” positions of what is defined as liberal in order to be one?  Can someone be pro-choice, support free medicine and schooling for all, higher taxes for the rich and corporations, pro-union, and open borders but not like a certain ethnic or racial group and still be a liberal?  Of course, you could ask the same from a conservative viewpoint. 

When I say racist, I don’t mean in the white nationalist way.  You would not want harm to come to anyone.  You are more so in a “soft” way.  You don’t want to inter-act with that group. You don’t want them in your neighborhood.  You would be upset with a family member who dated, or god forbid married someone from that group.  Your racism in subtle with negative comments here and there.  You would have a hard time explaining exactly what it was about that group that disturbs you, but it is there.

So, you have all the liberal credentials expect this one thing.  If your racism was kept to yourself or within a trusted a group of friends, then you would probably be welcomed into to the liberal community.  However, if it became public knowledge that you have expressed negative views about an ethic or racial group then it may be problematic. Or so you would you think.

The New York Times hired Sarah Jeong and then twitter posts surfaced where she says some things that can viewed as racist.  Now the Times says they have to be taken in context and she was only joking and firing back at others who said things to her.  This may be true, however, I bet there are people who lost their jobs for saying things when “they were only joking.”  I do somewhat see her side after reading some of the vile stuff that was sent her way.  However, words are important.  Her liberal credentials may be voided if further stuff surfaces.  It would be a test of the liberal community to see just how much “bad” they could accept in someone and still have them in the group.   

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