Thursday, August 16, 2018

16 Aug 2018 What Does It Mean?

What Does It Mean?

I had a long talk with a friend about my marriage.  I value that friend’s insight.  She said she couldn’t understand why I was married.  There are a lot of issues I need to address.  We have a very loving relationship, but I feel like I am married to my very close friend, not to my partner.   For a long time, I would keep everything inside.  I did not want to confront “uncomfortable” situations.  I was not being honest with myself or my spouse.  It helps neither of us if I don’t talk about things.

The day after talking to my friend I was walking to my gate at the airport for the return trip home.  I looked at my hand and noticed that my wedding ring was gone.  I had no idea when or where it happened.  It could have been an hour or two days.  I called the hotel and they looked in my room and found nothing. I only take it off when I work out with kettlebells.  I had not done this for over a week.  I know I had it prior to my trip.  

When I got home I looked through my suitcase and backpack to see if it was somehow there.  It was in the bottom of my backpack.  How it got there, who knows.  The thing is, it does not come off easily.  It can’t just slip off, I have to pull pretty good to get it off.  I tried it couple of times when I found it to make sure it was not loose.  It wasn’t. 

I took that as a sign that I need to address the issues.  Something is telling me it is time to have that difficult conversation.   Where that conversation goes, I can’t say.  But ignoring it is not the answer.  

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