Wednesday, August 22, 2018

22 Aug 2018 How Can He Cancel Clearances?

How Can He Cancel Clearances?

President Trump has removed the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan because Brennan has been critical of him.   This is unprecedented.  I don’t think a President has done this before.  It was only done because his ego is so fragile, and he can’t take any criticism at all, even if it is the truth.  

John Brennan has given his life to serving the country whereas Trump was a draft dodging coward.  Yes, John Brennan has had very tough criticism of the President.  Does this mean that anyone who says bad things will have their clearances pulled?  Did Steve Bannon have his pulled?  He said tough things.  

He said Hillary Clinton should be put in jail, does she still have her clearance? Some Democratic members of Congress have said very critical things, why have their clearances not been pulled?    

This vindictive President continues to embarrass himself and the country. Where are the other Republican leaders in Congress to denounce this?   Do they not recognize the precedent this creates?  A future Democratic President will do this to some Republican and they will not be able to do a thing to complain about it.  The silence from them now sets the stage for the future.

This is one more action from Trump to demonstrate just how unqualified he is and what a disgraceful person he is. But the silence from Congress is deafening.       

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