Thursday, August 2, 2018

2 Aug 2018 How Do We Fix Healthcare? Part 2

How Do We Fix Healthcare? Part 2

So, I said that healthcare is a basic right.  I believe that a non-profit structure would be best to provide healthcare. Government is too bureaucratic and wasteful while the for-profit industry may not provide the best service in order to reduce costs.  But if tax revenue is used to fund the healthcare system, then government will be involved in a big way.   I also said I do not fully support extending the elderly with expensive procedures for a few more months of life.  

From a report from the Journal of American Medicine: In 2016, the US spent over 17% of GDP on healthcare.  That is over $3 trillion dollars or $9400 per person.  That is double other developed countries.  Drugs are much more expensive in the US as well as a lot of basic procedures. Doctors and nurses are also paid more. Administrative costs are much higher too. I have no problem with the medical profession being highly paid.  We want quality people to be compensated. However, the administrative cost side needs to be looked at hard.  

We could save a lot of money from drug costs.  Over a $1000 per person is spent on drugs each year.  We are the most over medicated society in the world. Instead of living a healthy lifestyle, people want a pill to fix their poor choices. Other than pain medication, most drugs should be after the person makes lifestyle changes to improve their health. Prescription drugs should be the last resort not the first.

What should we be able to give each citizen for $1000 in healthcare cost each year? I call this the basic package:
-      Comprehensive blood work
-      Hearing test
-      Eye test and a pair of glasses
-      Dental cleaning and exam
-      Physicians Assistant evaluation

The big unanswered question, who pays and how much?

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