Saturday, August 25, 2018

25 Aug 2018 Is Mankind Improving?

Is Mankind Improving?

With all the negative news that is broadcast each day you would think there is nothing positive.  Even though the population is growing at an alarming rate, the quality of life for the vast majority of people is improving.  Diseases that use to wipe out vast numbers of people are now almost gone due to vaccines.  Medicine has advanced to the point to where newborns are able to have their lives sustained, even if born 2 months prematurely.  At the other end of the spectrum, people are living longer.  The average age of death is still slowly increasing.  

When I was young, someone in their 60’s was considered old.  Sixty-five was the age when people were going to retire. Why 65, because when Social Security was developed the actuarial tables said people on average would only live 5 years longer.  Today it is very common to meet people in their 90’s and even over 100.  A lot of them have active lives.  

There are still large segments of the world where people live in extreme poverty. This needs to be addressed by each country and the rest of the world.

But is mankind improving outside of health? I still think on the whole it is. The discoveries and inventions being made are incredible.  More people have access to education.  The more educated the population gets the better.  Communication is available worldwide.  Connection to the internet has its drawbacks, but all in all it breaks down barriers and provides a means for education and expression.

Mankind has many issues it needs to fix, but it is still moving in the right direction.   

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