Friday, August 17, 2018

17 Aug 2018 What Immigration Reform Does He Want?

What Immigration Reform Does He Want?

So, President Trump has been saying how tough he wants to be on immigration. That we need to stop the flow of people across the border who are coming illegally.  He even wants tough restrictions on legal immigration to stop “undesirables” from coming and chain migration.  Chain migration is when someone gets legal immigration status then citizenship then they bring other family members over. 

Trumps in-laws just got citizenship through chain migration.  His wife, Melania, had her parents come over.  Now it was all done legally, however, I bet the process was done a little quicker since she is the wife of the President. I doubt you will hear the President use his in-laws as an example of why chain migration needs to be stopped or greatly reduced. Funny how that works.  If it benefits him or someone he cares about, then it is ok.  The hypocrisy of his rants on immigration knows no bounds. 

Of course, I doubt Fox news will even mention this.  It would beyond their journalistic guidelines to do so.  No negative stuff can be said about the President. Of course, there will be other networks that will overdo it and report this like it is some great injustice.  Trumps’ wife used the process within the laws as they exist now.  You can’t fault her for wanting her parents to be near her.  

The President should mention his in-laws in his rants on why chain migration should be reduced or stopped. But we know that is not going to happen.  

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