Thursday, August 23, 2018

23 Aug 2018 How Is Socialism Better?

How Is Socialism Better?

Several people who are running for Congress as a Democrat say they have socialist positions.  The question I have is, where has socialism been successful?  In theory, yes it has some alluring ideas.  However, in actual practice it is not a sustainable form of government.  To paraphrase the basic tenant of socialism it is “for the capable give much, for the incapable take what is needed.”  The problem with this is the number of people who claim to be “incapable” grows and those that produce shrinks.  Human nature takes over and if you can get something for nothing then so be it.   The only incentive to work hard is to produce more for those who say they can’t.  There is a huge difference between those who are actually incapable and those who claim to be.  Why work at Wal-Mart when I can get what I need for nothing?  Now a proponent of socialism would say it is incumbent on the government and perhaps society to make sure those who are capable actually work.  Who makes that determination? 

Capitalism has a lot of flaws, so does socialism.  Winston Churchill said it “The inherent drawback of capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth; the inherent blessing of socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.”    

It is in the execution of capitalism that the challenges come about, not in the basic principles.  However, I do not believe that there is a way to fix socialism.  It is not a sustainable way for society to operate.  Even in the bastion of socialism, the old USSR, there was great inequity between those who governed and those who labored.   This demonstrated the difference between reality and theory.  

When you hear someone talk about having socialist ideas, do not dismiss them out of hand.  Have a respectful conversation and make that person explain how they would implement a socialist item and be able to sustain it.  Also, have them defend how their way is fairer.  I would bet the theory outweighs the reality.    

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