Monday, August 13, 2018

13 Aug 2018 What Happened Before The Big Bang?

What Happened Before The Big Bang?

There seems to be two schools of thought on the universe began.  You have the religious side who say God did it and you have the Big Bang crowd.  The Big Bang has a lot of cosmological evidence to support it.  However, my question is what happened before the Big Bang?

I enjoy reading about this.  I am always amazed at the serious brain power that comes up with the arguments, experiments and math to support the Big Bang.  You can’t look at that event in terms of your current reality for time measurement and speed.  The concept of a “second of time” is a unit of measure defined by man.  This is an argument the religious people use when they say that God created the earth in seven days.  It is seven “God days” and may not be seven man days.  

I support the idea that the universe was created from some cataclysmic event about 14 billion years ago.  Here again, a year being a unit of measure we devised and use.  That is ok because it gives all of us the same frame of reference. But about the day before the event? What was going on?  There had to be something.  Einstein said nothing goes away, the energy just enters a different state. 

What do I believe? That the universe is like a rubber band, you can stretch it out until it reaches some limit and it goes back to its original form.  The universe expands until it reaches some limit and then contracts back into itself.  So, you have a Big Bang when it reaches its smallest contraction, then expands out to a limit and back again.  This cycle can be repeated an infinite amount of times because no energy is lost.  It just keeps recycling.  Who knows how long a cycle is? What does happen is any record of any civilization in the previous cycle is gone once the Big Bang occurs. We are just a civilization in the current cycle.    

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